What is AIM?

Administrative burdens are not only key contributors to physician dissatisfaction and burnout, but to overall patient health. “AIM for Better Care: Administrative Improvements in Medicine,” an initiative of the Kentucky Medical Association (KMA), will tackle administrative issues, laws, regulations and public perceptions that present barriers to treating five conditions that impact Kentuckians more than the rest of the country: smoking, drug abuse, obesity, diabetes and flu/pneumonia.

Who is KMA?

Established in 1851, the Kentucky Medical Association is a professional organization for physicians throughout the Commonwealth. The KMA works on behalf of physicians and the patients they serve to ensure the delivery of quality, affordable healthcare.

Members of the KMA share a mission of commitment to the profession and service to the citizens of this Commonwealth that extends across rural and urban areas. From solo practitioners to academicians to large, multi-specialty groups, KMA is the only state association representing every specialty and type of medical practice in Kentucky.